воскресенье, 25 сентября 2016 г.

Comparative review Wileyfox Spark and Wileyfox Spark +

Not long ago, the British brand Wileyfox introduced Spark line of smartphones. One of the main features of the device is initially installed on the device Cyanogen OS 13, which opens the customers advanced features to customize the operating system for themselves and their needs, as well as additional functionality. Total is currently in the line represented by three devices: Spark, Spark + and Spark X. Today, we look at the younger models. In a smartphones comparison review Wileyfox Spark and Spark + we try to understand what the differences between these models and whether to pay more for a “+”.


The smartphones comparison review Wileyfox Spark vs Wileyfox Spark +

The smartphones comparison review Wileyfox Spark are available in identical packages, the box of the “matchbox”. The packaging looks very tiny and neat, black and orange combination also produces quite a good impression. Cardboard at first glance looks pretty shaky, and the question arises whether such packaging to fulfill its protective function. In the box are in addition to the apparatus for recharging cable and documentation. Why the manufacturer has decided to save on the headset and the adapter power is unclear. The lack of complete sets of the modern smartphone for a long time is not uncommon, and most have already become quite common practice, while the need to buy a separate network adapter, many may consider the objective net configuration.


At first, glance, appear to be almost identical machines: the same design that is identical to the location of the control buttons, the same diagonal. However, on closer acquaintance become noticeable differences.
Both devices made as usual of a rectangle with rounded corners. An interesting feature is a location Wileyfox devices off and volume buttons. gadgets off button are located on the right side on top, and adjustment – from above, on the left side. This arrangement makes it easy to operate the phone with one hand, without making unnecessary movements. The top of the device is 3.5 connector for a headset or headphones on the bottom – micro-USB connector. The front and rear cameras are located in the standard places, without any innovations.
The smartphones comparison review Wileyfox Spark vs Wileyfox Spark +
Of particular note is the rear panel. On the back cover of the volume visible company logo – a fox muzzle. At the bottom is a speaker, on either side of which are small “legs”. This solution allows you to hear the audio signal even if the device lies on the surface of the speaker. Under the hood is the removable battery, as well as slots for two SIM cards and memory cards.
Interestingly enough the designers came to the colors of smartphones comparison review Wileyfox Spark. The entire range of colors Spark, if you believe the developers of the site consists of:
  • Pure black model with black logo;
  • White models with silver piping and logo;
  • White models with gold-copper logo and piping;
Colours Spark + are:
  • The black version of the logo with a copper;
  • White version with gold-copper logo and piping;
To smartphones comparison review Wileyfox Spark was provided by Spark black and white and golden Spark +. The models also differ in the touch: Spark has a rough rear panel that can reduce the risk of slipping from the hands of the machine.


Devices are easy to use, they are ideal for people with a small hand. Due to the location of buttons, talk time convenient to adjust the volume.The smartphones comparison review Wileyfox Spark are perfectly balanced, the weight in the hand feels very small. The dimensions make it easy to carry or Spark Spark + in the jeans pocket without any discomfort.


In the process of testing the model smartphones comparison review Wileyfox Spark and Spark + screen and showed the same results. Excellent viewing angles, even with a large tilted image do not lose their sharpness, color reproduction accuracy retains and shape. 2.5D Glass – an interesting phenomenon, but “an amateur”, if the owner had previously been absolutely flat screens, you will have some time to adapt to a new screen.
device settings allow you to adjust the display to fit your needs. You can change color and font size. Interesting possibilities give LiveDisplay function with the help of gadgets automatically adapts the screen temperature, depending on the time of day. During testing, both devices have proved to be a good side, the screens do not flicker, no glare, they are not tired eyes. Multitouch both models support up to 10 simultaneous touches.
In the settings, you can change the device screen density DPI value range from 240 to 360. Also, if desired, you can turn the screen lock option tap double.


The smartphones comparison review Wileyfox Spark and Spark + running MT6735A processor. Quad-Core is hardly powerful and gaming, but it is enough to run popular 3D games at medium settings. The main problem Spark at least any significant load became lack of RAM. Junior model working simultaneously with the browser in the background download files of medium size, was included and was PlayMarket minimized one game. Spark + with a similar load copes effortlessly, easily it works in switching mode between movie viewing, messengers, and mobile LightRoom. The single task mode devices performance is approximately equal.
The smartphones comparison review Wileyfox Spark vs Wileyfox Spark +
The smartphones comparison review Wileyfox Spark running Cyanogen OS 13, created on the basis of Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow. Appearance OS “out of the box” looks very simple and concise. A little outside the box and unusual display of all applications in the “pop-up” list. However, all is easily changed with new themes or launcher. Cyanogen OS adds on top of the standard Android features many new systems of customization and just a lot of interesting “chips” such as enhanced security, improved energy efficiency, its own camera app and more. For a detailed description of all the features, Cyanogen OS 13 would require a separate article.


The smartphones comparison review Wileyfox Spark module for both devices works flawlessly, but in a noisy environment is much more comfortable talking through a headset. At Spark + works the best squelch – the interlocutor almost inaudible sound subway and crowd noise.
Available networks, both machines are fast, breaks during work were observed. Working with GPS is also no complaints – the satellites are detected quickly even from a cold start.


Even coupled with the chipset of the middle class, the battery can not be considered sufficiently capacious. Spark model in the mode of constant surfing the internet, social networks and conversations lasted 6.5 hours, Spark + for about 5 hours. Watching movies and games eat up battery for about 3-4 hours.
Battery test in continuous mode, download, and view online video showed quite the expected results: 5 hours 44 minutes spent Spark and 5 hours of 39 minutes lasted Spark +.


The cameras both devices quite adequately cope with the shooting in all conditions. In good light quickly and easily obtained macro shots, landscapes, and text. In poor lighting conditions may experience problems with autofocus.
The camera supports the focus on tapas, which makes it easier to shoot in any situation. A nice feature is switching shooting modes swipe simple, fast and convenient.
The smartphones comparison review Wileyfox Spark vs Wileyfox Spark +
A significant difference in the images captured on both devices can not see, especially unsophisticated view.


The smartphones comparison review Wileyfox Spark and Wileyfox Spark + definitely deserve attention. Lightweight, ergonomic devices running Cyanogen OS 13 suitable for undemanding users, not waiting for the phone strong performance. The difference in price can only be explained by a variety of operational and internal memory. If the built-in memory devices can be expanded to 64 GB with the help of cards, with the amount of RAM after purchase will have to accept. Is it worth the difference in the gig of RAM three thousand rubles (the price difference at the time of writing)? Definitely yes, if you want to get a good gadget, do not hang when loading.

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