суббота, 1 октября 2016 г.

Active noise cancellation system for the in-ear monitor

Life in the city is filled with the sounds. Each time leaving the house we will have a city band, to prepare a new “representation”. However, the style is similar to the previous ones, are just tools arranged differently. Sometimes it is nice to dip in Urbana sound, except for two things: when you go to work and when you come back home. The Good Morning mood knocks the noise of passing cars, the hubbub of the crowd, and the subway sitting next to people sometimes upsets his musical repertoire to pull out of the overhead headphones. In the evening you … Yes, and you know how hard it is at night. In order to preserve the “inner Zen,” a person chooses simple and quite justifiable way – active noise cancellation system for the in-ear monitor.


Priority is often departs intracanal models by simple logic – the closer and tighter they sit in the ear, the smaller skip external sounds. Ignoring the complementary model name abbreviations (like «NC») and, moreover, considering it another marketing magic, man acts very rashly. Why? The fact that there are two types of isolation: passive and active. Passive noise isolation is achieved in a standard way – the denser the plugs are adjacent to the walls of the ear canal, the less noise passes inside. But! Among the audio properties, namely the properties of the P-wave, it is possible to pass through solid bodies, including through the headphone housing. In order to neutralize this effect and established a system of active noise cancellation (hereinafter – ASP).


Active noise cancellation system for the in-ear monitor
To begin with we shall understand, in principle, of the active noise cancellation. Excluding the tediousness of the physical terms and formulas, paving the way for an easy understanding. The internal structure of the active noise cancellation system for the in-ear monitor has one very important feature. Near the speaker, developers installed a microphone that measures the amplitude of ambient noise. Along with the incoming vibrations through the chassis, external microphone creates a wave with the same amplitude but opposite phase of the original signal. Upon application of the process of interference waves occurs – are mixed in a single unit, thereby suppressing each other. As a result, the user receives a sound, devoid of external distortion.



In addition to the neutralization of external noise, the ASP has a number of additional benefits designed to serve not cosmetic, but a very welcome addition. Headphones with built-in ASP convenient analogs with passive noise cancellation. They are focused on creating the most comfortable conditions for listening and usually have additional clips securing the active noise cancellation system for the in-ear monitor in the ear. Since the headset is fixed, the demand for the most tightly seated gag disappears by itself. The noise is blocked in two directions (using ASP, as well as passively plugs), that does not prevent enjoying the music.
Another most powerful argument is to protect your hearing. To get on this issue a qualified opinion, we asked about the impact of external noise at the otolaryngologist PI Savelyev.
“For decrease or loss of hearing appeals many patients. Naturally, it is due to a partial loss of more age limits, but the problem is widespread among young people. Hearing loss in this group generally directly correlated with listening to music on the subway or on a noisy street. The noise coming through the headphones makes it necessary to greatly increase the volume of the music. Loud sound affects the sensory elements of the inner ear, reducing the level of perception of the sound image. Temporary hearing loss is observed after a single exposure to high volume, exceeding the mark of 80 dB. If the patient is often exposed to high volume sound, then the changes can be irreversible, then the ear will be very difficult to recover. “
Thus, the ASP neutralizes the need to continuously increase the volume when the user is faced with an external factor. Despite some security that provides passive isolation headphones with ASP cope much better.


Active noise cancellation system for the in-ear monitor
To illustrate an example, clearly displays all of the above benefits, were selected in-ear monitor HARMAN / KARDON Soho II NC.


In these headphones present an improved automatic active noise cancellation technology. Engineers had to revise the interior layout – the processor is responsible for noise suppression, has been moved into a separate unit. It can be turned off when the charge is over, or will not be necessary to neutralize noise. Enabling and disabling ASP is made through the remote built into the headphone cable.
Listen to the active noise cancellation system for the in-ear monitor in the room – is one thing, playing with sound insulation switching modes give little results. But if you go out, the difference is notable – can not hear anything but the music. With such a noise insulation do not forget about caution. Be extremely careful when passing and driving on the roadway!
Active noise cancellation system for the in-ear monitor
For a durable and comfortable fit design, Soho II NC provides for clamps. This detail is extremely useful because the embouchure pressure in the ear canal is leveled by a snug fit the lock to the inside of the ear. Accordingly, the passive noise isolation from the product HARMAN / KARDON also fine.
In the end, we would like once again to note: choose active noise cancellation system for the in-ear monitor with the mind. Sometimes it is better to pay a little extra and get a really high-quality and proven thing than thoughtlessly buy stupid gags that could in the future become a catalyst for health problems.

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